
Photo of Dr. Lindsey Lee

Dr. Lindsey Lee, Ph.D.

Coach Lindsey, a Brand of the Lynch Law Firm

Industrial-organizational psychologist, Dr. Lindsey Lee, has two decades of experience diagnosing and solving organizational problems. She helps employers build better workplaces and supports individuals through executive coaching in their missions to craft professional lives that lead to greater fulfillment.

TJ McGrath, J.D.

Ardaithe Consulting, LLC

TJ McGrath believes in preventing issues before they arise. Over 30+ years in public service she’s determined that better communication can help to avoid conflict. Passionate about facilitating conversations she believes training can empower teams to resolve issues at the lowest level, saving cost, time, and emotional entrenchment.

Photo of Dr. Heidi Petak

Dr. Heidi Petak, Ph.D.

Speak Eagle Communications Strategies, LLC

Heidi Petak (or “Dr. P”) is passionate about helping leaders and their teams unlock the power of trust-based, shame-free communication strategies to foster a thriving culture and shape enduring, high-performing teams. Heidi has coached top leaders and their teams in state governments and at Fortune 500 companies.

Patsy Prather, M.F.A., C.H.C, C.L.C

Patsy by Design, LLC

A holistic designer—an interior designer plus life coach—Patsy empowers personal expression. She is a very practical coach. Patsy will lead you through repeatable exercises you can practice in your daily life to design the life you want.

Photo of Patsy Prather
Photo of Thom Rogers

Thom Rogers, J.D., M.B.A.

Hrothgar Consulting Ltd.

A certified Everything DiSC® facilitator, Thom spent 25+ years leading teams in the Air Force, Congress, and the White House. His courses focus on building a foundation to better understand yourself and have more productive relationships.