Ignite Your Growth Logo

The Spring Sessions Have Ended.
Check back for Updates on Future Offerings!

Hi and Welcome to Ignite Your Growth!

We are very excited about the program we’ve developed for you. Over the course of my legal career, I realized many sticky situations could have avoided the legal route—a route that can be emotional, costly, and lengthy—by better communication and self awareness.

Wanting to help with those issues, I co-founded Ardaithe Consulting. Ardaithe is Gaelic, meaning to elevate, to lift up, to raise. Our goal being to help organizations and individuals to elevate their culture, their business practices, and their interactions by learning different communication skills and styles.

Here in Colorado Springs, I met like-minded facilitators seeking to give back and be of service. I invited them to join me in creating Ignite Your Growth! We enjoyed putting together our inaugural course offerings during the winter and spring of 2024. They were a foundational success! Now we are looking at how we can offer future sessions that are more tailored to your needs. I hope you’ll peruse our past sessions and reach out to us with ideas you may have on how we can help you or your organization Ignite Your Growth!

– TJ
TJ McGrath
Ardaithe Consulting LLC

Questions? Looking for courses we can offer you or your organization? Contact us: